Great question! The problem we found with Alpha Beta® Daily Peels from Dr. Dennis Gross when doing a side by side comparison in our lab was that, their product was using substandard ingredient concentrations. You can see this when you glance at their ingredients list that they don't disclose anywhere what you're paying an arm and a leg for.
We won't bash a fellow Brand, because while we think they do great work. We find it a bit unfair to charge what they do for what they are providing to customers. And we'll leave it at that.
Without getting too "sciency" on your audience, we also want to share that while both peels can potentially work for you. Our antioxidant and nutrition complex which uses the purest, clinically proven ingredients found commonly in the highest grade products in Korea and Japan to speed up the skins repair process after the pH drops.
This allows your skin to quickly change it's pH to avoid irritation, which is where the magic happens and your skin sheds it's acidic layers.
Happy to answer any more questions from your audience. Tell them they can contact me directly at